How I feel about the Trump-Pence Victory


You can quote me on that.

tpI do not know if either Trump or Clinton has a hidden agenda, we will know in 4 years from now for sure. However, Trump disagrees that abortion is a woman’s unrestricted right. In other words, he is Pro-life anti-abortion with reservation.

From what I understand, he wants to stop government funding for abortion clinics; ending all govt. sponsored/paid clinics. There will be regulated private ones, but even that, he is going to tackle. He has even been quotes stating that he will appoint anti-Abortion justices to supreme court if he wins. It will then stop being an industry and come under “medical care”. Now that he has won the election, I hope he keeps his word.

God is against abortion. I am with God and if Trump is against abortion, this issue is a deal breaker for me. I’m glad he won.

Then there is this: Vice President Mike Pence was raised in a Catholic family… He became a born-again Christian in college. Praise the Lord.

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